Logo de l'association Les Enfants de Kontum

2020 Têt New Year Dinner Dance

28 February 2020 | News EDK

Every year, the Children of Kontum organise a dinner dance to celebrate the arrival of the lunar new year. 2020 is the year of the rat and in her speech our president Carole Trarbach explained that it is a "year for relationships, for communication and also a year of independence and of the spirit of adventure".

Excerpt from Carole’s speech:

The basis of the action of our organization The Children of Kontum is the sponsoring of children because state schools are fee-paying in Vietnam as of the first year of primary school. Currently 70 schoolchildren and 10 students are sponsored. We also contribute to the cost of the meals for the 77 girls living in our boarding structure.

Notre présidente Carole Trarbach

Just to give you an idea in terms of generosity: this evening each and every one of our 240 guests is contributing to the cost of the meals for the 77 girls living in our boarding structure during their education. You will understand the importance of your presence here this evening. 

We are going to continue this great adventure of ours with your support of course. 

We would like to thank our sponsors, our guests, the local elected officials (for their unwavering support), our volunteers and our active members without whom nothing would be possible.  

The final tally of the evening:

We are pleased with this evening’s profits which will make it possible for us to feed the boarding girls for roughly six months.