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Our nuns of Kontum in the spotlight in the weekly magazine LA VIE

15 April 2019 | Uncategorised

Sister Anna, Sister Innocentia and Sister Anselme-Marie
From left to right : Sister Anna, Sister Innocentia and Sister Anselme-Marie
Photo credit : Arnaud Finistre for the weekly magazine LA VIE

As announced in our August 22nd. 2018 article, the independent French journalist Jordan Pouille and the photographer Arnaud Finistre visited Kontum for an article about the help provided by the nuns for the girls of the ethnic minorities.

Follow this link to the very interesting article which was published on November 14th. 2018 in the catholic weekly magazine LA VIE and which is now accessible to non-subscribers.

The nuns’ situation has changed somewhat since this article was published. They have had to move to new premises where the dormitory now has a capacity of only 77 girls instead of 120 as previously.

Jordan Pouille reporting from Kontum for LA VIE

Jordan Pouille reporting from Kontum for the weekly magazine LA VIE